We've been learning on the fly around here. That's what works for us. So whenever the kids express an interest or desire in something we dive in.
About 2 or 3 months ago we got a ferret. Oliver and I put together a book all about ferrets. We used different color ferrets to make patterns, we learned about what Wild Black-Footed Ferrets eat and where they live, we made a list of things our pet needs from us, made a family tree using pictures of other animals in the Weasel (Mustelid) family, learned some ferret vocabulary and practiced writing a few letters and small words.
Oliver had so much fun making it and showing off. Lately he has been asking to make more pages for his book. So I put together some pages for him to make a second book. He is pretty excited to work on it later today with daddy.
So if you have a ferret, or even just enjoy cute pictures of ferrets, here are the pages I made for the lap book. The book itself is two file folders stapled together (one inside the other) to make a total of 8 pages.
On the cover I put a coloring page. Download it here: http://www.marshallferrets.com/just4fun
The rest of the pages I uploaded on to 4shared.com for your downloading pleasure.
Check them out here: Ferret Lapbook
The pages cover fine motor skills (cutting and gluing), phonics, early literacy and math.
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