Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tuesday Re-cap

On Tuesday we continued with our Letter of the Week using play doh to trace, stamp and cut out the shape of the letter "F."

Oliver learned to roll balls out of small pieces of dough.  A wonderful fine motor skill.


He didn't want to "do preschool," and instead wanted to play outside... which actually lent perfectly to what I had planned... so I let him think he won ;)

To continue our Body Theme, I traced his body (after some hesitation on his part) on a large roll of paper and had him create a full size self portrait.

He used a mirror to observe his features and draw them in on his portrait.  (He made me do the nose.)

The clothing choices he made for his portrait reflected the outfit he was wearing.  Which got tricky when he was looking for a white marker to color in his khaki shorts.  He was surprisingly accommodating in using orange instead.  Glad to see his ability to reason and level with me is curbing his OCD tendencies.

It also turned into a gross motor activity as he was determined not to step on his portrait and leave shoe prints, and would jump over it again and again.

I had one activity left to do with him, and not very much of his attention left.  Since the number of the week is 2, I printed off a coloring sheet and added the heading "2 is a Pair," and a list of body parts that come in pairs for him to circle.  He was playing on the swings and I got him to agree to pretending his clubhouse was a school house and he was the teacher.  That worked for about a second before he wanted to swing on the monkey bars (or "barbs" as he calls them).  So we worked out a game:

When he got to the end of the monkey bars we picked a pair, then raced around to the front of the clubhouse, he climbed up and leaned into the clubhouse from the ladder, picked a color marker, I spelled the word for him (for example "ears has the letters E-A-R-S"), then he circled the word from the list and the body part on the picture.  He then hurried to finish climbing up into the clubhouse and sit at the back with the monkey bars, while I raced around the other side to "under-dog" his brother in the swings and meet him at the back to help him do the bars again and take it from the top.

It got the work done.

They spent the rest of the afternoon observing life in the fish tank, (I love when they pull up their chairs on their own to watch their fish)...

... and reading to Daisy (our giant lapdog of an APBT) under their living room fort.

Finally... it was nap time!


Who's that rockin' the Home Schooling category on TMB? (And by "rockin'" I mean #2)....

It's me!

(Ok that was short the time I returned to finish this post...2 days later...I'm back to #3, which is still awesome!)

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