Friday, July 26, 2013

Alphabet Match Game

My super smart kid has done really well learning to identify capital letters.  He knows just about all of them...when he wants to (there are days he just can't focus or be interested in actually looking at the letters in order to tell you which one it is.  On these days he prefers the "shout a random letter and hope it's right" approach).

I chose to introduce only capitals for the sake of simplicity, and in my opinion he is ready to start matching them up to their lowercase counterparts.  I have been intending to make an alphabet match game for him in order to accomplish this, but I currently am printer-less so it hasn't been done.

We have a set of alphabet flash cards already, but they don't work for what I have in mind because the upper and lowercase sets have different pictures for each letter.

I just happened to find myself in the value aisle in Target (crazy how that keeps happening)and found this set of flashcards which was just what I needed!

What I liked about these cards is that each card has the uppercase letter above the lowercase letter on one side, and a picture on the opposite card.

To make the match game I cut each card in half vertically isolating the capital and lowercase letters, and creating a puzzle-type game of the image side.  

I shuffled the cards and laid them out on the table with the letter sides up.  The goal of the game was to match the letters and check by flipping them over to see if the pictures lined up. So fun! He did great!

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